The Sabbath Soul: Mystical Reflections on the Transformative Power of Holy Time


Speaker: Dr. Eitan Fishbane, Assistant Professor of Jewish Thought at the Jewish Theological Seminary in New York

Location: Congregation Olam Tikvah; Fairfax, VA

Explore the spiritual texture of Shabbat and its meaning for our lives today through the writings of mystical masters from the history of Hasidism. In this lecture, Dr. Eitan Fishbane speaks about the ways in which Sabbath holiness has been understood in the history of Jewish mysticism, with special attention to the core rituals and symbols of the Sabbath day. Reflecting on his recently published book, The Sabbath Soul (Jewish Lights), Dr. Fishbane will present these sources as inspiration for our contemporary experience of Shabbat.

In honor of Dorothy G. and Robert H. Rumizen - Endowed by Dr. Bruce and Joy Ammerman through the Ammerman Foundation

Also co-sponsored by Agudas Achim Congregation, Beth El Hebrew Congregation, Congregation Etz Hayim, and Temple Rodef Shalom