The Brandeis Legacy

Speaker: Dr. Melvin Urofsky, Professor of History and Director of Doctoral Program in Public Policy and Administration, Virginia Comonwealth University

Program Series: Rabbi Joshua O. Haberman Distinguished Scholar Series

Location: B'nai Israel Congregation, Rockville, MD

Date: September 18, 2016

It's now been over 100 years since Louis D. Brandeis was confirmed as an Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, and three-quarters of a century since his death.  Yet his ideas and achievements continue to influence our lives today.  His activities as a lawyer, a reformer, and a Zionist are as relevant today as they were in his lifetime, and his jurisprudence - especially in the areas of free speech and privacy - is still cited in contemporary court decisions.  In his talk, Dr. Urofsky looks briefly at Brandeis's career in law, reform, and Zionism, and devotes the bulk of his lecture to the continuing importance of Justice Brandeis's constitutional ideas.