Seasons & Reasons: Hanukkah

Speaker: Rabbi Jack Luxemburg, Rabbi Emeritus, Temple Beth Ami, Rockville MD

Series: Jewish Enrichment

Date: December 18, 2019

Location: Bender JCC, Rockville, MD

Hanukkah is a powerful expression of Jewish values at times of difficulty and darkness. This is true whether in terms of the season, critical moments in Jewish history, or during trying times in our personal lives. It is also a popular holiday linked to a complicated narrative rife with unforeseen consequences. Who were the Maccabees and what did they stand for? What did they accomplish? How do Jewish sources respond to them? Why did our sages keep the Book of Maccabees out of the Bible? Learn how the Maccabees, their story, and “The Festival of Lights” can be relevant and meaningful to us today beyond the simple joys of candle lighting, latkes, “gelt” and gift giving.

This is not a “how to celebrate” class; rather, it frames rituals as responses to the human condition, which we benefit from by revisiting each year.