Justice for All? Ethics from Our Bible

Speaker: Jeremiah Unterman, Resident Scholar, Herzl Institute, Jerusalem

Series: Haberman Distinguished Scholar Series

Date: November 5, 2019 at Etz Hayim Congregation, Arlington, VA

Date: November 6, 2019 at Congregation Har Shalom, Potomac, MD 

The Hebrew Bible radically changed the course of ethical thought and came to exercise enormous influence on Jewish thought and law while also providing the basis for Christian ethics and the broader development of ethical thought in modern Western civilization.

Jeremiah Unterman discusses how the ethics of the Hebrew Bible represent a significant moral advance over Ancient Near East cultures. He will elucidate how the Bible’s unique conception of ethical monotheism, innovative understanding of covenantal law, and revolutionary messages from the prophets form the foundation of many Western civilization ideals. Discover how these timeless biblical texts connect to the persistent themes of our times: immigration policy, care for the less privileged, and attaining hope for the future despite destruction and exile.