Jewish Communities and the Aftermath of Crises

Speaker: Rabbi Seth Bernstein

Series: Jewish Enrichment

Location: Leisure World, Silver Spring, MD

Date: September 10, 2019

More and more often, Jewish communities are experiencing crises that were unthinkable twenty years ago (e.g. Chabad of Poway, Tree of Life in Pittsburgh). While most of these tragedies make the news, what happens to these communities once the crisis has abated is often left uncovered.

Seth Bernstein, a venerated rabbi and an experienced chaplain, is often called upon to help communities and families after such tragic events. His experiences from the World Trade Center destruction in 2001 to the shooting in Pittsburgh last year have caused him to recognize patterns that follow from these incidents. Such occurrences often leave the communities in disarray in their aftermath. Rabbi Bernstein will share his unique, behind-the-scenes perspective on the real needs of Jewish communities confronting such challenges.