Understanding Racism in Our Communities
Join Temple Rodef Shalom for this important series…
Join us to learn about the past, present, and future of racism in our own neighborhoods. In a series of three webinars, we will hear from local storytellers, experts, and advocates about the role of racism in shaping, in particular, housing, education, and economic opportunities throughout Northern Virginia.
Not long ago, Virginia was a state known for massive resistance to racial integration. Our local governments supported or ignored systems that perpetrated racism; officials actively maintained segregated schools; banks redlined neighborhoods; and housing developments enforced restrictive covenants.
In each webinar, historians will set the stage, focusing primarily on Arlington and Fairfax Counties, as well as the City of Falls Church; and local storytellers will discuss their experiences growing up in segregated and desegregated communities. Moving to the present, representatives from local governments will provide an overview of equity efforts underway; and advocates from organizations working to address systemic racism will describe their work and how we can get involved.
Regardless of where you live, you’ll benefit from learning our shared history, and importantly you’ll discover how you can help your neighborhood move toward greater racial equity.