Exploring the Arts From a Uniquely Jewish Perspective

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The Haberman Institute invites you to learn more about Yetzirah: A Yeshiva of the Arts…

A place where Jewish culture, learning, and identity come together to form new creative synergies in all three areas. The essence of Yetzirah is a featured artist, composer, musician, writer, dancer, etc., who presents their work, and that work is accompanied by Jewish study, as well as deep-dive discussions.

The six-session series kicks off on December 7 with
Fashioning the Golem: A Hands-On, Creative Exploration of the Jewish Longing for Safety in Frightening Times with Isaac Brynjegard-Bialik and Rabbi Shawna Brynjegard-Bialik

Protection. Safety. Strength. Power.
Right now we could all use a little more sense of well-being. The golem is the story of using ancient Jewish magic to create protection; we are going to use our hands to create our own symbols of protection and explore what makes us feel safe. Join Isaac and Rabbi Shawna to “make your own golem” out of paper and cut-up comic books, in a 90-minute workshop that includes visual learning about golems and a hands-on activity with materials provided. No experience, clay or magic spells required; just your enthusiasm.

CommunityRebecca Leavey